WLN in Denver with Janine Driver –
The Southwest Chapter hosted a Women’s Leadership Network event in Denver at The Comedy Works featuring Janine Driver. Her presentation – YOU SAY MORE THAN YOU THINK: THE NEW LEADERSHIP CODE: Self-Awareness, Emotional Intelligence & Building Rapport –Discover How to Read and Fix Any Situation in 5 Minutes or Less! – was a hit. It was a one-of-a-kind, life-changing, interactive, and fun experience that gave attendees a new level of awareness about body language, communication, and leadership to power-up their Emotional Intelligence.

Janine Driver is an expert on body language: a federal law enforcement officer with the Department of Justice for more than 20 years and the founder and president of the Body Language Institute. She provides training for the FBI, CIA, and Scotland Yard police, and is a best-selling author and contributor to NBC’s Today Show, CNN, and Court TV.